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Joining innovative technologies, efficient partnerships and competence in the field, Delta P use the best assistance procedure for the medical gas pipeline system, the central gas manifold and generator, offering service that cover the full life cycle of the pipeline plants.

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Field of work

Delta P is able of offering the qualified experience in different sector, guarantying customizes solutions and conformed to the active requirements.

Projecting an realizing of new pipeline plants

Realization or expansion of plant for the medical gas distribution system in public or private health facilities (Hospital, RSA etc)

Verification of the correct study of the projects and works

Control and checks of the correct execution of the project related to the distribution of medical gases in the health facilities

Projection and realization of central station for production or storage

Projection and creation of production and storage of medical gas pipeline system including vacuum, conform to ISO 7396-1 normative.

Plant maintenance

Complete maintenance of the medical gas pipeline system, with the possibility of a 24/7 service of reparability on demand.

Our services

Delta P include, in the range of services the following activities to guarantee a complete and continuous support to the client:


Complete maintenance of the medical gas pipeline system, with the possibility of a 24/7 service of reparability on demand.


Assistance during the start-up phase of the installed system, supporting the client or directly by ourselves during the start-up phase


Organization of training class about the professional operative control of the plants, turned to technical workers, doctors or paramedic.


The service of Delta P continues before the sell of the devices and the plants, guarantying the best satisfaction of the client.
